Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Change of profession; from advertising to farming!

It can’t be more quirkily mesmerizing than this. In the last couple weeks I have been thinking of quitting advertising and direct marketing as a profession and take up something more soul aspiring. Say farming.
Well you don’t have to be surprised? The fact is that this temptation has hauntingly crept into my mind (night and day) and someday I think I will soon turn into a farmer. Well they say that it is easy for a farmer’s son to be a farmer. This does not apply in my case. So where do I get the land and all the other myriad things that one requires to be one “hell of a successful” farmer. Plus, in the current times, you’ve got to have Almighty’s Saving Grace for your farming venture to do good and in the current drought trends where the government is running austerity drives, it isn’t a good respite either. So how on earth do I rationalise this desire of mine? I really don’t know.
Let me contextualise more and reveal the real reasons for these unreasonably soulful drives within me. It just happened. In fact one of the reasons that I am posting this experience of mine in this blog (yawn factor), is that, this farming venture desire is being driven into my mind by all who live around me; inhabit my office as well as my home. I mean my co-workers and co-homers. Everybody’s is into it. Not a day ends without them having been in the farmlands. Mid-night wake-up calls and SMS’s to check who has made how much. Sudden burst of emotional roars on “wins and screws” in the farmland. It even doesn’t leave me while I am asleep. I have started dreaming about it. It couldn’t be more “Filmy” than this. A few days back, on one of those, “wee-hours” groggy groping for the wash-room, I suddenly discover my better half in her farmland; busy farming off course.
I have tried to resent it and see myself failing. Initially you think you wouldn’t do it ever in your life. It is such a bloody time waster! I said that once. Well, you know, it is a great way to build your community and stay in touch with friends. I think this way, now. One changes. Then one day you do the thing that you once thought, “was not your stuff.”
After much unrest in my mind, umm signing up for that thing called FARMVILLE!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could'nt be more true than what you have noted.This is indeed very very addictive