Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yawn Factor in What You Wear

Well, actually I took quite a while to add the next layer to this thought but as they say it takes nine months for a baby to be born, I was doing some market visits that were dependant on some first hand infromation from users of the various brands that have been in included in this study.

They say that the consumer is the light @ the end of the tunnel. And this is true(atleast we assume) especially in the life of brand keepers like me:I say this out of my stumblings...oh I mean the "X" pee-rience(did i spell it wrongly well if i have then please pardon me and dont ever try to decipher the underliner).

Well the brands here are in shoe lifestyle category, viewed in an indian market's perspective.This is the result of me from talking to people on the streets, having gol goppes(pan puri) with them,travelling in the rail, standing at the bus stop @ university areas, sipping a chill pint of beer with a moneyed user and also doing a little bit of mystery shopping at retail stores...and for obvious reasons, to argue with the brand's stake holder's view point on this, I hav'nt included their point of view....(any body wants further a dip into these insights please, do write to me...)

The graph talks about locating the brands' Yawn Factor(plotted on our two axis-socio-tribe value and aspiration value) ...and if you see from a absolute perspective, it wouldnt be as relevant and applicable as you would find if things are viewed from from comparative perspective....and in my detail studies I have similar data aggregations available for apparel brands...motor cylcle in Delhi...

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